3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0465 Mikhail Lomonosov sculpture
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0464 Midas Bust work in progress
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0463 Michelangelo Buonarroti head sculpture
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0462 Mesh Mixer and Google Sketch Up common test
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0461 Meriwether Lewis
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0460 Marcus Salvius Otho 2
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0459 Marcus Aurelius
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0458 Marble head of an old man
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0457 Marble bust of Herakles Greek Hercules Roman
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0456 Marble bust of Emperor Hadrian
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0451 Male Portrait 2
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0450 Male Head Sculpt Printable
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0449 Male head of a herm
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0448 Luise Queen of Prussia
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0447 Luise Grfin von Vo
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0445 Lucius Caesar 2
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0443 Louvre Pseudo Seneca Visual SFM
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0442 Louvre Demosthenes
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0440 Little Girl with bronze statue
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0439 Leandro Fernndez de Moratn
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0438 La tradici Biblioteca Museu Vctor Balaguer
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0437 Jupiter Serapid
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0435 Julius Caesar 2
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0434 Julio Claudian Princess
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0432 Jules Csar Arles
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0428 Homo rudolfensis
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0427 Homo neanderthalensis
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0426 Homo heidelbergensis
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0423 Historische Bste Extra
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0422 Herma del Dorforo
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0421 Herma de Tolomeo II Evergeta
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0420 Herma de Pirro de pir
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0419 Herma de Lisias
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0418 Herma de Jpiter Amn
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0417 Herma de Heracles
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0416 Herma de Dionisos
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Busts and heads antique and historical BUSTA_0415 Herma de Demetrio Poliorcetes
Model without anti-aliasing for editing